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We and our partners store or access device information, such as cookies, and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by devices, for the purposes described below. You may click to consent to processing by us and our partners for such purposes. Please note that some processing of your personal data may not require your consent, but you have the right to object to such processing. You can change your preferences at any time by accessing our privacy policy.


Store and/or access information on a device

Cookies, device identifiers or other information may be stored or accessed on your device for the purposes presented to you.


Legal Description:

Providers may: Store and access information on the device, such as cookies and device identifiers presented to a user.


Select basic ads

Ads may be shown to you based on the content you are viewing, the application you are using, your approximate location, or your device type.


Legal Description:

To make a basic ad selection, providers can: Use real-time information about the context in which the ad will be shown to display the ad, including content and device information such as: device type and capabilities, user agent, URL, IP address. Using a user's inaccurate geolocation data. Control the frequency of ads shown to a user. Choose the order in which ads are shown to a user. Prevent an ad from serving in an inappropriate editorial context (not safe for the brand) Suppliers may not: Profile personalized ads based on this information in order to, without a separate legal basis, select future ads to create a profile of personalized ads. NB Unprecise means that only an approximate location that involves at least a 500 meter radius is allowed.

Create a custom ad profile

A profile about you and your interests can be created to show you personalized ads that are relevant to you. 


To profile personalized ads, providers may: Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests, website or application visits, demographic or location information, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalized advertising. Combine this information with other previously collected information, including from websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalized advertising. 


Select custom ads

Personalized ads may be shown to you based on a profile about you.


Legal Description:

To select personalized advertisements, providers may: Select personalized advertisements based on a user's profile or other historical user data, including the user's past activity, interests, website or application visits, location or demographic information.


Create a custom content profile 

A profile about you and your interests can be created to show you personalized content that is relevant to you.


Legal Description:

To profile personalized content, providers may: Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests, website or application visits, demographic or location information, to create or edit a user profile to personalize content. Combine this information with other previously collected information, including from websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalizing content.


Select custom content

Personalized content may be shown to you based on a profile about you.


Legal Description:

To select personalized content, providers may: Select personalized content based on a user's profile or other historical user data, including the user's past activity, interests, website or application visits, location or demographic information.


Measure ad performance 

The performance and effectiveness of the ads you see or interact with can be measured.


Legal Description:

To measure ad performance, providers can: Measure whether and how ads were delivered and how a user interacted with them. Provide reports on ads, including their effectiveness and performance. Provide reports on users who interact with advertisements using data observed during the course of the user's interaction with that advertisement. Provide reports to publishers about the ads shown on your property. Measuring whether an ad is serving in the context of an appropriate (brand-safe) editorial environment. Determine the percentage of the ad that had the opportunity to be seen and the duration of that opportunity. Vendors may not: Apply audience insights data obtained through dashboards or similarly to ad measurement data without an explicit legal basis for applying market research results in order to generate audience insights .



Measure content performance

The performance and effectiveness of the content you view or interact with can be measured.


Legal Description:

To measure content performance, providers can: Measure and report how content was delivered and how users interacted with it. Provide reports, using directly measurable or known information, about users who have interacted with the content. Providers cannot: Measure whether and how ads (including native ads) were displayed and how the user interacted with them. Applying audience insights data obtained from dashboards or similarly to ad measurement data, without an explicit legal basis for using market research data to generate audience insights.


Apply market research results to generate audience insights

Market research can be used to learn more about the audiences that visit websites/applications and see ads.


Legal Description:


To apply market research results to generate audience insights, providers may: Provide aggregated reports to advertisers or their representatives on the audiences reached by their ads, through dashboard-based insights and the like. Provide aggregated reports to publishers on audiences served or interacted with content and/or advertisements about their property, applying dashboard-based insights and the like.  Associate offline data with an online user, for market research purposes, to generate audience insights, if providers have declared to compare and combine offline data sources. Vendors cannot: Measure the performance and effectiveness of ads that a specific user received and how they interacted with them, without an explicit legal basis for measuring ad performance. Measuring what content a specific user received and how they interacted with it, without an explicit legal basis for measuring content performance.


Develop and improve products

Your data can be used to improve existing systems and software and to develop new products.


Legal Description:

To develop new products and improve products, suppliers can: Use information to improve their existing products with new features and develop new products. Create new models and algorithms through machine learning. Providers may not: Perform any other data processing operation permitted for a purpose other than under this purpose


Use accurate geolocation data 

Your precise geolocation data may be used to support one or more purposes. This means your location can be accurate to within a few meters.


Legal Description:


Suppliers may: Collect and process accurate geolocation data to support one or more purposes. NB Precise geolocation means that there are no restrictions on the accuracy of a user's location; this can be accurate up to a few meters.

Actively look for device characteristics for identification

Your device can be identified based on its reading of the unique combination of characteristics.


Legal Description:

Providers can: Create an identifier using data collected by actively scanning a device for specific characteristics, eg installed fonts or screen resolution. Use an identifier to re-identify a device.




Ensuring security, preventing fraud and fixing errors

Your data may be used to monitor and prevent fraudulent activities and ensure systems and processes function properly and securely.


Legal Description

To ensure security, prevent fraud and correct errors, vendors can: Ensure that data is transmitted securely. Detect and prevent malicious, fraudulent, invalid or illegal activities. Ensure the correct and efficient functioning of systems and processes, including monitoring and improving the performance of systems and processes involved in the permitted purposes. Suppliers may not: Carry out any other data processing operation permitted for a purpose other than under this purpose. Note: Data collected and used to ensure security, prevent fraud and correct errors may include device characteristics automatically sent for identification, accurate geolocation data, and data obtained by actively reading device characteristics for identification without explicit consent. for disclosure and/or acceptance.


Present advertisements or content technically

Your device may receive and send information that allows you to view and interact with advertisements and content.


Legal Description:

To provide information and respond to technical requests, providers may: Use a user's IP address to deliver an advertisement over the Internet. Respond to a user's interaction with an ad, sending the user to a landing page. Using a user's IP address to provide content over the Internet. Respond to a user's interaction with content by sending the user to a landing page. Use information about device type and capabilities to deliver ads or content, for example, to deliver the creative ad or properly sized video file in a device supported format. Suppliers may not: Carry out any other data processing operation permitted for a purpose other than under this purpose.


Compare and combine offline data sources

Data from offline data sources may be combined with your online activity to support one or more purposes.


Legal Description

Suppliers can:

Combining data obtained offline with data collected online to support one or more Purposes or Special Purposes.


Connect different devices

Different devices may be determined to belong to you or your household to support one or more purposes.


Legal Description

Vendors can: Deterministically determine that two or more devices belong to the same user or household. Objectively determine that two or more devices belong to the same user or household. Actively look for device characteristics in terms of identification for probabilistic identification if users allow providers to actively look for device characteristics for identification.


Receive and use device characteristics automatically sent for identification

It is possible to distinguish your device from other devices based on the information it automatically sends, such as IP address or browser type.


Legal Description

Providers can: Create an identifier using data collected automatically from a device to obtain specific characteristics, eg. eg IP address, user agent string. Use the identifier to attempt to re-identify a device. Providers may not: Create an identifier using data collected by actively reading a device, to obtain specific characteristics, e.g. e.g. installed fonts or screen resolution without explicit user authorization to actively read device characteristics for identification purposes. Use an identifier to re-identify a device.

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